
The Bay Area CAN (COVID-19 Awareness Network)

We CAN do it!

The Bay Area COVID-19 Awareness Network (CAN) aims to inform the Bay Area community with timely and accurate information about the most recent COVID-19 developments. As a result, we hope to provide a platform to ensure our community is all on the same page regarding the severity of COVID-19. We deliver this information through updated:

  • News and Informatics
  • Business and location reopenings/closings
  • Uplifting messages to brighten up your day during these stressful times

Facilitated by a team of motivated college students, Bay Area CAN vets and displays the most credible information from top medical institutions and professionals in an easily-comprehensible and comforting manner.

Role: Front-End Developer & Designer

My Projects:

  1. Logo Design: Designed the logo for the whole organization!
  2. Web Development: Implemented and hosted a website via GithubPages.
  3. User Acquisition & Growth: Improved user acquisition funnels & information delivery to increase user adoption.
  4. Marketing & Copy Design: Created Instagram/Facebook flyers to spread awareness of our service.

Check out our website to learn more!

My Work (in detail) ...

This section is a deeper dive into some of my projects within the Bay Area COVID-19 Awareness Network (CAN).

Logo Design

I am the designer for the organization's logo. The idea for Bay Area CAN came about quickly, and so did the design. The client/CEO wanted a plain text logo that followed the style of the website. The website already utilized three colors: white (#FFFFF), red (#F23A2E), and black (#353434). With this in mind, I look for some inspiration from brands like Calvin Klein, FedEx, and Nutella.

You can see the final product on the left. However like all branding materials, they are imperfect and eventually will need to be updated!

Web Development

I've also worked as the Web Developer for Bay Area CAN. As you saw above you can visit our website to learn more about our mission!

User Acquisition & Growth

I worked closely with the founders of Bay Area CAN to strategize on how to not only acquire users but also how to grow our user base.

To acquire new users I decided on several funnels: Website Call to Action, Instagram Posts & Stories, and Posting in college Facebook Groups. After our first launch week, we counted 124 new users.

The founders wanted the information about COVID-19 to be sent via SMS, so they first utilized (a parent-teacher platform for announcements). The major benefit "" provided was that they were a FREE service. However, we quickly discovered that our user base would be limited to only 200 people. This is where I stepped in with the rest of the engineering team to devise new ways of user acquisition and to find a better service that would allow us to scale quickly. Twilio allowed for that scalability & added some dynamicism to our flyers (attachments & user grouping).

Marketing & Copy Design

Part of user acquisition is new marketing funnels. "Instagram Stories" is a key marketing channel for the Bay Area CAN, and so I helped design the post to boost user acquisition. Some key points in my design:

  • Very clear call to action
  • Clear directions
  • Uniform information hierarchy & ordering
  • High contrast text for accessibility
  • Consistent with design system & branding
  • Provides links to our other social platforms